    or affiliated with a country subject to significant U.S. trade sanctions (commonly called "embargoes" in their most extreme form) without obtaining prior Global Law department review. Contact the Global Law department for the list of affected countries and the relevant restrictions.
  • Screening our business partners against various government-restricted parties lists to avoid dealings with what we refer to as "denied parties."
  • Being aware of products, materials, and technical information that are subject to heightened export control and of the export license requirements that apply to such items.
  • Not participating in or responding to requests relating to international boycotts in which the United States does not participate, notably the Arab League boycott of Israel. Receipt of any requests relating to such restrictive trade practices must not be acted upon and must be reported to the Global Law department.

Competition and Antitrust Laws

Competition and antitrust laws protect free enterprise for the benefit of customers and consumers. These laws prohibit anti-competitive agreements, such as price-fixing conspiracies, and other conduct, such as predatory efforts to eliminate competitors. Schering-Plough must comply with these laws.

(Continued) shipments to any party in any country. If you do not know the export classification of and export limitations that apply to what you have been asked to send, you must check with the Global Law department before any such shipments take place.

Competition and Antitrust Laws

Q. I was at a trade show when a representative who sells an allergy product that directly competes with my product stopped me. He suggested I limit my sales calls to retail pharmacies since he had decided to focus exclusively on hospital pharmacies. He figures this way we won't interfere with each other and we'll both benefit. It made sense to me. Can I agree to this?

A. No, any agreement amongst competitors to allocate or "carve up" the market is a violation of antitrust and competition laws.


Copyright 2007 Schering-Plough