EMPATHY To be in tune with the feelings of customers, co-workers and other stakeholders.

PASSION To develop that driving force that generates energy.


This means:

  • Employees may not make any direct or indirect political contribution on behalf of Schering-Plough unless authorized by Schering-Plough’s Chief Executive Officer and General Counsel (or their designees) in writing. This includes contributions to candidates, office holders and political parties. Contributions include things like:
    • Buying tickets for a political fundraising event.
    • Providing goods or services.
    • Loaning personnel during working hours for fundraising activities.
    • Paying for advertisements and other campaign expenses.
  • All lobbying activities should be discussed with your local Compliance Officer or the Law department to determine whether disclosure and other rules apply. Personal Political Activity. Schering-Plough encourages political activity by employees in support of candidates or parties. But you should engage in the political process on your own time, with your own resources. Never use company time, property or equipment, including e-mail, for personal political activities.
Political Activities Policy C-142


Internal Investigations. Schering-Plough is committed to investigating alleged and potential violations of the Standards and related laws, regulations and company policies.

This means:

  • Investigations will be fair.
  • Employees are expected to participate in and cooperate with internal investigations and provide truthful and complete information.
  • Investigations will result in appropriate action.