EXCELLENCE To take pride in doing things really well.

EECUTION To get things done through a bias for action.

PERIPHERAL VISION To see both the immediate task and the full picture, and to be sensitive to how one's actions affect others.

  • When working on company time, do not allow outside interests to interfere with job responsibilities.
  • If work hours must be reported, do so truthfully and accurately.

Conflicts of Interest and Corporate Opportunities

Conflicts of Interest. Employees have many activities in their lives outside Schering Plough. A “conflict of interest” arises when an employee’s personal, social, financial, civic, charitable or political activities have the potential of interfering with his or her loyalty and objectivity to Schering-Plough. Conflicts can arise with a second job or other employment outside Schering-Plough, or where you, your close relative or any other person with whom you have a close personal relationship has a direct or indirect financial interest in an organization that does business with or is a competitor of Schering-Plough. Conflicts can also arise when actions, such as gift giving or receiving, can potentially influence your objectivity in making business decisions. Actual conflicts must be avoided. Even the appearance of a conflict of interest – a situation where an employee’s ability to perform duties objectively or effectively – must also be avoided. Any potential conflicts of interest should be promptly disclosed to your manager in writing. Many conflicts of interest can be resolved in a simple and mutually acceptable way.

This means:

  • Do not take a second job or otherwise become affiliated with a company competitor. A second job or affiliation with a customer, supplier or provider of goods or services is discouraged, but may be allowed with the written approval of your immediate supervisor. Work for any other organization is permitted but must never interfere with company responsibilities.